U Brands Binder Clips, Medium 1-1/4-Inch Width, 1/2-Inch Paper Holding Capacity, Floral Nature Colors, 6-Count - 243U06-24
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U Brands Binder Clips, Medium 1-1/4-Inch Width, 1/2-Inch Paper Holding Capacity, Floral Nature Colors, 6-Count - 243U06-24

Product ID: 18646000
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These Floral Nature fashion binder clips with modern design patterns add stability in organizing important papers throughout your home office, classroom, and or work place. Assembled with steel arms, the clips provide an extra strong grip for your documents keeping you organized and ready to work. Clips can be reused with the ability to bend back into shape after each use. Ideal for ring binders, these clips make a great addition to your office supplies. The binder clips feature a 1.25-inch or 32mm width and 0.5-Inch paper holding capacity. Packaging makes for a convenient way to keep clips stored and neatly kept in your office space. The Floral Nature design is all about trend, fashion and what’s-current-now appeal. When it comes to personalization, this is your hard-to-find, unique touch of style that defines You among your peers. Floral Nature is derived to inspire you with a deeper meaning behind just the style, these accessories will enable you to send a subtle message by showcasing your Floral Nature accessories. The U Brands Floral Nature line connects You with the latest patterns, colors and designs; this collection makes a connection with your passion for nature. Suddenly, the everyday boring binder clip becomes only Yours!

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